Friday, September 16, 2005

Little Green Men???

I was reading this small booklet the other day called, Is There intelligent Life in Outer Space. The booklet was made by a Christian organization called Answers in Genesis.

I have kind of casually held the opinion that there is no life on other planets, based on the fact that the Bible doesn't really mention it, and if there was life on other planets, the Bible would have said something, especially in the book of Genesis that recounts the creation of the World.

One of the interesting points that the booklet mentioned was that NASA has a sector that is devoted to searching for intelligent life in outer space. When searching for this life, they once came heard a pulse from Space. They noticed that it was coming in at a regular rate of once every 1.3 seconds. PULSE - 1.3 secs - PULSE - 1.3 secs - PULSE... Etc. This kept going. After reporting it, they said if could be coming from little green men in outer space. So this pulse was named LGM-1 (LGM = little green men).

What they later learned was that they actually found a rapidly rotating neutron star, which was making this sound entirely on its own, without artificial aid.

Now these same "scientists" also are the ones that believe in evolution, and the big bang as the beginning of the universe. The writers of this booklet I was reading pointed out an interesting double standard held by these scientists. This is what they wrote:

"Do you see what is so illogical about the search for non-human intelligence? If these same scientists would exchange their telescopes for microscopes, look down into the cells of every living creature and observe the DNA making up chromosomes, they would see the most complex code, the most complex information system, the most complex language in the universe. They would look at this and say, "Chance!" Yet if they receive the simplest ordered sequences from outer space, they are prepared to say, "Intelligence!"

I thought this was an interesting fact. I still don't understand how people can see the genetic code in each human cell and say that we all came here by chance. It just doesn't make sense to me. But if you think it does, let me know what I'm missing...

If you are interested in reading this, or other articles by Answers in Genesis, visit their website at:

1 comment:

risen_soul said...

Scientists for all their earthly knowledge can be pretty dense, that is for sure. I like your site, I'll check back now and then. Do you hail from a particular denominational background?
