Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Preach on Larry King!!

As i am watching the CNN's coverage for the Presidental election, I ran across an good future sermon illistration for absolute truth. A Panel from CNN, including Larry King was interviewing at the same time the Chairman for both the Republican national convention, and the Democratic national convention. As the panel asked them questions, and asked them if they were worried about anything. the republican said, " no, im not worried, we are already doing well in ... blah, blah, blag...looks like we will win again" and then the Democrat resonded by saying, "no, im not worried either, voter turnout is up this year, which is a good sign for us, blah, blah, blah, so it looks like Kerry will be the new president". Larry King responded by saying, "Well, both of you are saying that your candidate will win, and they both cant win, so one of you has to be wrong!"

It just occured to me then that it seems so obvious that if 2 things contradict each other, they both cant be true. yet in our society, if you claim that there are absoulte truths, people will say that is arrogant. I dont get it....

All i have to say is preach on Larry King...

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