I have recently had my heart grow for the unreached peoples of the world. This is in part due to our Campus for Christ Winter Conference, and partially due to being able to take some time this week to think about my vision, and what God has called me to do in ministry. There are so many people out there who have no opportunity to hear the gospel. As Christians, this should break our hearts. And it does break my heart. I have committed to pray regularly for the unreached. If you would like to join me in this venture, here is a great place to get some fuel for your prayers: http://www.joshuaproject.net/
Also, I have recently become aware of a dude and his family who are serving the unreached in East Asia. His blog and twitter are public, but if you are interested in following someone on the front lines of this work, check out: http://china.myadventures.org/ or @chinaadventures on twitter.
If you are praying for the unreached, please leave a comment so I can know and seek to keep accountable with you.