Friday, February 17, 2006

Technology Accelerators

Another chapter down in Good to Great, this one called "Technology Accelerators". Here are the main points:

  • Good-to-great (g2g) companies think differently about technology than do mediocre companies.
  • G2g companies avoid technology fads and bandwagons, but are pioneers in carefully selected technologies.
  • The key question is whether or not a specific technology fits into your Hedgehog Concept. If yes, then you need to be a pioneer in it; if not, then you can settle for parity or avoid it altogether.
  • G2g companies use technology as an accelerator of momentum, not a creator of it.
  • G2g companies react to technology change with thoughfulness and creativity, driven to turn unrealized potential into results. Mediocre companies react, motivated by fear of being left behind.

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