Thursday, January 20, 2005

Noah's ark not by natural causes?!?!?!

Hey guys,

so i was flipping through the channels the other night when i came across this documentary about noah's ark. it was interesting...

their whole point, whoever made it, was to prove that to believe that noah's ark actually occurred is silly. the basis of their argument? based on research, it is impossible that this event could have occured by natural causes. {insert sarcasm here} excellent job sherlock, i never would have guessed that the gathering of animals from all around the world couldn't have happened without any sort of SUPERnatural intervention.

it was actually quite funny though... they actually tried to show how hard it would have been to gather these animals, by having actors portraying noah and his family struggling to get those pesky camels on the ark. you should have seen them pulling on those harnesses! it looked like they were about to pass out from exhaustion. plenty of brow wiping action was going on.

the more and more i go through life, the more and more i realize that people are funny...

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